Featured Articles

Google Agrees to Pay U.S. $500 Million in Drug-Ad Settlement

SAUSALITO, CA (ASRN.ORG) -- Google Inc. agreed to pay $500 million to settle U.S. allegations that advertising for online Canadian pharmacies on its website allowed illegal imports of prescription drugs.

Hospital Workers Outspend Others on Medical Care

SAUSALITO, CA (ASRN.ORG) -- Hospital employees spend 10 percent more on healthcare, consume more medical services, and are generally sicker than the rest of the U.S. workforce, according to a study released on Monday.

Impotence May Point to Heart Problems

SAUSALITO, CA (ASRN.ORG) --  Failing erections may be a harbinger of heart disease in some men, according to a review of a number of studies -- but heart-healthy lifestyle changes or cholesterol-lowering drugs could have a positive impact on men's sexual health.

UCLA Study: Is Meditation the Push Up For The Brain?

SAUSALITO, CA (ASRN.ORG) -- Two years ago, researchers at UCLA found that specific regions in the brains of long-term meditators were larger and had more grey matter than the brains of individuals in a control group. This suggested that meditation may indeed be good for all of us since, alas, our brains shrink naturally with age.

My Mother, The Playboy Bunny

SAUSALITO, CA (ASRN.ORG) -- It's impossible not to notice all the signs, billboards and ads for NBC's upcoming show "The Playboy Club." In fact, I can hardly go shopping without being confronted by a glossy photo of scantily clad girls wearing onesies, bunny ears and poofy rear-end tails, smiling as if it's fun to be pawed by sinister, alcohol-fueled men. I don't think that's how my mother remembers it.


  • Masthead

    Editor-in Chief:
    Kirsten Nicole

    Editorial Staff:
    Kirsten Nicole
    Stan Kenyon
    Robyn Bowman
    Kimberly McNabb
    Lisa Gordon
    Stephanie Robinson

    Kirsten Nicole
    Stan Kenyon
    Liz Di Bernardo
    Cris Lobato
    Elisa Howard
    Susan Cramer