Featured Articles

Best Management Practices in Nursing

Nurse's attitudes relating to 'job satisfaction' and 'organizational commitment' are of major interest in health care management practices.Statistics show that the total number of nurses working in the healthcare field in the United States has decreased from 2,669,603 in the year 2000 to 2,262,020 in year 2001(World Health Organization., 2006) with a simultaneous decrease in the number of applicants to baccalaureate programs.

Blood Transfusion Error Prevention -Nurses Role

Transfusion of blood saves life. An error in blood transfusion, at the same time, takes life. Blood samples can be autologous, in which the patient?s own blood is collected before surgery for possible use during or after surgery or allogenic, in which the blood is collected from donors. Clinical demand for blood is perennial and transfusion errors are accountable.

Cancer Care-Can a Caring Nurse Make a Difference?

Nurse plays a major role in cancer care. The nurse care in cancer care focus is not only on the medical aspect but also on the emotional aspect of care.

Nurse Care for the Cognitively Impaired-The Role of NVC.

Communication is the pulse of nursing practice. Communication barriers of the mentally and cognitively impaired patients seem to erode the quality of nursing care. Lack of nurse-patient interaction due to patient's cognitive impairment affects nurse assessment of the patient and the medication adherence.

Teaching Adult Patients to Manage Symptoms of Asthma

Asthma is a common affliction of the human respiratory tract in which the airways get constricted and inflamed with excessive amounts of mucus. Asthma occurs often in response to exposure to an environmental stimulant called allergen, cold air, physical exercise or psychological stress.


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