Featured Articles

Study: Distracted Nurses Make More Errors

SAUSALITO, CA (ASRN.ORG) --For nurses at San Francisco's St. Rose Hospital, chaos was the rule rather than the exception. And that's typical, according to a new study. 

"You've got your pill cups, she's got hers. You're talking about the weekend, the phone is ringing, doctors are asking questions," recalls Linda Aug, supervisor of the hospital's medical-surgical department. "Interruptions were normal. We thought they were OK."

Nurse Certification Linked to Career Satisfaction

SAUSALITO, CA (ASRN.ORG) -- Nurses certified in critical care indicate greater satisfaction with their jobs and careers and report higher perceptions of empowerment than their non-certified peers, reports the first national study to examine these issues in tandem.

How Much Does a Nurse Earn?

SAUSALITO, CA (ASRN.ORG) -- According to the American Health Care Agency, there are currently two and a half million Registered Nurses, in the United States. That work in numerous health care fields, including doctors offices, clinics, hospitals, schools, prison facilities, public health, nursing homes, adult homes, psychiatric hospitals, military bases and many more places that employee nurses.

Study Finds High Rates of At-Risk Elderly Drinking

LOS ANGELES, CA (ASRN.ORG) --  A new study by researchers has found that more than a third of drinkers 60 years old and older consume amounts of alcohol that are excessive or that are potentially harmful in combination with certain diseases they may have or medications they may be taking.

Some Nurses Paid More Than Family Doctors

SAUSALITO, CA (ASRN.ORG) -- Despite the growing shortage of family doctors in the United States, medical centers last year offered higher salaries and incentives to specialist nurses than to primary care doctors, according to an annual survey of physicians' salaries.


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    Kirsten Nicole

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    Stan Kenyon
    Robyn Bowman
    Kimberly McNabb
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    Stephanie Robinson

    Kirsten Nicole
    Stan Kenyon
    Liz Di Bernardo
    Cris Lobato
    Elisa Howard
    Susan Cramer