Featured Articles

When Nurses Make Mistakes

Last year, a Seattle nurse named Kim Hiatt committed suicide. Ms. Hiatt’s death came nearly seven months after she had given an unintended overdose to an infant heart patient, a medical error that was said to have contributed to the child’s death days later.

A Nurse, A Patient and A Television

Hospital patients watch a lot of television to pass the time. As a result, nurses often catch glimpses of news and entertainment programs while walking in and out of patient rooms.

A Young Mother Battles A Rare Cancer

Heather Houde-Parker began feeling a nagging soreness in her abdomen in November. Having just delivered twins a year earlier, the 27 year old suspected it was a hernia from lifting them. Having just delivered twins a year earlier, the 27 year old suspected it was a hernia from lifting them. She mentioned it to her primary care physician three months later while being seen for a sinus infection. Also suspecting a hernia, her doctor ordered an ultrasound. What they found instead was a spot on her liver.

Four Days of Silence

A retreat is a good idea,” my meditation teacher, trained in the U.K. by a Tibetan monk, said when I consulted him about my persistent urge to get away. “And I recommend a silent one.”


  • Masthead

    Editor-in Chief:
    Kirsten Nicole

    Editorial Staff:
    Kirsten Nicole
    Stan Kenyon
    Robyn Bowman
    Kimberly McNabb
    Lisa Gordon
    Stephanie Robinson

    Kirsten Nicole
    Stan Kenyon
    Liz Di Bernardo
    Cris Lobato
    Elisa Howard
    Susan Cramer