Featured Articles

The Waiting List

I remember the day my husband Alvin walked into my office, slumped down in the chair with tears in his eyes, and said, "The doctor says my kidneys have failed."

Clinical Update: Recommendations Regarding Fish Consumption in Pregnancy

We tell pregnant women to avoid aged cheeses and sushi. Then we tell them, for fear of toxoplasmosis, that they cannot replace the kitty litter. We tolerate neither alcohol nor smoking during pregnancy.

Meeting the Needs of Your Dialysis Patient

Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis have been around since the mid 1940's. It began to be regularly used in 1960 and is now a standard treatment all around the world. Thousands of patients have been helped by these treatments.

Diabetes Update

March is Diabetes Awareness Month. How much do you, as a nurse, know about the latest diabetes research?

Bullied by a fellow nurse? Let's talk.

Most new nurses are informally given precautionary warnings such as, “Watch out.  Nurses sometimes eat their young.”   While the idea of a nurse bully may be counterintuitive given that nursing is a profession defined by an expected caring nature, nursing literature reveals that the phenomenon known as “horizontal violence” among nurses is well established.


  • Masthead

    Editor-in Chief:
    Alison Palmer

    Editorial Staff:
    Alison Palmer
    Laura Fitzgerald
    Kimberly McNabb
    Lisa Gordon
    Stephanie Robinson

    Creative Oversight:

    Design Director:
    Daria Dillard

    Design Firm:
    Agency San Francisco
    San Francisco, California

    Alison Palmer
    Laura Fitzgerald
    Cris Lobato
    Elisa Howard
    Susan Cramer