Featured Articles

Ambulatory Care Management - Need of the Hour

Ambulatory Care is any non-emergency or outpatient medical care delivered at a clinic, physician's place or hospital for medical conditions that do not require hospital admission. Medical investigations performed on an ambulatory basis include blood tests X-rays endoscopy and even biopsy procedures of superficial organs.

Computers in Nursing Practice

Science has bestowed health care delivery system with excellent technological innovations. One such innovation is the computerization of the entire health care delivery system. Computerization has contributed enormously towards the reduction of medical errors and the problems associated with such errors (Gan et.al, 2005). Computerization of health care delivery includes computerization of the medical records popularly known as the Electronic Medical Record System (EMR), Electronic Prescriptions, Personal Digital Assistants, Computer Automated Cancer Detection and Computerized Theatre Management Applications. The implementation of voice recognition technology in mobile healthcare settings is yet another recent innovation (Chang et.al, 2008).

Essentials of Infusion Nursing

Infusion Nursing is a specialty branch that provides nurse care by infusing fluids, medication and blood products through injections into patients' veins or by maintaining arterial catheters. Infusion nurses also hold the responsibility of monitoring patients, maintaining their tubing and recognizing potential drug interactions and complications.

Innovations in wound care

From a pathological view, a wound specifically refers to a sharp injury which damages the dermis of the human skin. Wound is a type of physical trauma, where, the skin layers are torn, cut or punctured (Haley et.al, 1985). This trauma can either cause an open wound or a closed wound. An open wound always runs a risk of blood loss and high chance of bacterial infections.

Management of Cor Pulmonale

Cor Pulmonale is the failure of the right side of the heart caused by prolonged high blood pressure in the pulmonary artery and right ventricle of the heart. Any condition that leads to prolonged high blood pressure in the arteries or veins of the lungs causes a condition called Pulmonary Hypertension. This Pulmonary Hypertension hinders the right ventricle function and thus, the heart fails to pump against these abnormally high pressures leading to Cor Pulmonale.


  • Masthead

    Editor-in Chief:
    Kirsten Nicole

    Editorial Staff:
    Kirsten Nicole
    Stan Kenyon
    Robyn Bowman
    Kimberly McNabb
    Lisa Gordon
    Stephanie Robinson

    Kirsten Nicole
    Stan Kenyon
    Liz Di Bernardo
    Cris Lobato
    Elisa Howard
    Susan Cramer