Featured Articles

Dean, John Hopkins School of Nursing: [Letter] This is Not Crazy, This is Nursing

The nurses at Emory Hospital who are caring for the two U.S. Ebola patients around the clock are not immune from fear. No nurses are. The truth stares us in the face every time an indiscriminate killer like Ebola or any horrific strain goes viral.

Nurses Who Care the Most Burn Out the Fastest

Here’s an understatement: Nursing is a tough job. It’s physically and mentally demanding, and often pretty disgusting; at the same time, nurses are expected to fit the stereotype of the ceaselessly kind caregiver. But being too invested in that last piece of the puzzle can backfire for some nurses, a new study shows.

Nursing School Slots Fall Short

Student demand for nursing degrees far outstrips supply in Arkansas, with more than 1,100 qualified applicants denied entrance to nursing programs in the 12-month period ended June 30, 2013, according to the most recent statistics available from the Arkansas State Board of Nursing.

It is a Crime to Automatically Deny Nursing Certifications

The story of poverty in America is told by women and children. Nearly 70 percent of those who live on the economic fringes are young or female. Almost half of today's families rely on the mother's income. Yet so many women are shut out of jobs for one reason: They have a criminal conviction.

Registered Nurse Quits Her Job to Teach Fly-Fishing Off the Tropical Shores of Belize

Some women are afraid of change. Others thrive on it. And if you have wanderlust like Lori-Ann Murphy, you seek it out. Lori-Ann was a fourth-generation nurse who had started working in hospitals when she was just 14. To many, nursing is a secure job, but it’s also one that fit Lori’s restless temperament perfectly. 


  • Masthead

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    Stan Kenyon
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    Stan Kenyon
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